Makikomu Yuki

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Makikomu Yuki Empty Makikomu Yuki

Post by Makikomu Sun Jul 27, 2014 2:02 am

Name: Makikomu “Maki”  Yuki

Rank: Genin

Age: 12

Clan: Yuki

Focuses: Ninjutsu, Water, Wind, Ice

Appearance: 5'8", 140 lbs, lean build. White hair, medium length. He dresses in a black tight fitting shirt, a sanguine-colored scarf, a matching belt, what's left of an overcoat over his left arm and shoulder, loose pants, and those cool shoes that separate the toes.

History: Throughout his life, Makikomu's training of his clan's Ice Release kekkei genkai was conducted in secret. Although it was not common to possess the kekkei genkai as a resident of the Land of Water, it was uncommon to openly practice it; the ill-natured memories from the civil war towards Ice Release users forced them to keep their ability a secret lest they face persecution.

Maki is a cold-hearted individual who, although not a recluse, is socially withdrawn when interacting with others. His stoic nature allows him to keep a level head and use his rationality as a weapon. He has a goal driven attitude and an odd moral framework, one that conveniently bends to align with his current goal. His weakspots, and primary motivators, are the strong emotions he feels towards the oppression his clan’s kekkei genkai users are forced to endure. Ultimately, Maki seeks to end the oppression and restore his clan’s honor and power.

Picture (as a jonin):

Makikomu Yuki Captainassassin.


Makikomu Yuki Marcs10
Strength :
Makikomu Yuki Left_bar_bleue100 / 500100 / 500Makikomu Yuki Right_bar_bleue
Endurance :
Makikomu Yuki Left_bar_bleue50 / 50050 / 500Makikomu Yuki Right_bar_bleue
Speed :
Makikomu Yuki Left_bar_bleue250 / 500250 / 500Makikomu Yuki Right_bar_bleue
Perception :
Makikomu Yuki Left_bar_bleue100 / 500100 / 500Makikomu Yuki Right_bar_bleue
Stealth :
Makikomu Yuki Left_bar_bleue50 / 50050 / 500Makikomu Yuki Right_bar_bleue

Posts : 21

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Makikomu Yuki Empty Re: Makikomu Yuki

Post by Admin Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:20 am

Makikomu Yuki Kakash10

Your Ninja Info Card will be generated tomorrow evening. You have been issued 1500 Skill Points to begin your quest, good luck!


Makikomu Yuki GYVwR6R
Strength :
Makikomu Yuki Left_bar_bleue100 / 500100 / 500Makikomu Yuki Right_bar_bleue
Endurance :
Makikomu Yuki Left_bar_bleue200 / 500200 / 500Makikomu Yuki Right_bar_bleue
Speed :
Makikomu Yuki Left_bar_bleue300 / 500300 / 500Makikomu Yuki Right_bar_bleue
Perception :
Makikomu Yuki Left_bar_bleue400 / 500400 / 500Makikomu Yuki Right_bar_bleue
Stealth :
Makikomu Yuki Left_bar_bleue500 / 500500 / 500Makikomu Yuki Right_bar_bleue

Posts : 94

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